Princess Anastasia's Disappearance Stunned The World. 90 Years Later Experts Finally Have An Answer

The murders of the Romanov Family sent shockwaves through the world. From the brutality of the Russian royals' executions to the opportunists who attached themselves to the controversy, everything seemed too incredible to be true. That's why, over a century after her disappearance, mention of Anastasia Romanov still raises suspicion. The mystery eclipsed the real life tragedy of a clever, rascally girl who had a lot more to her story than any movie or conspiracy theory could illustrate.

Not excited for her birth

Upon learning that he and Empress Alexandra were expecting a fourth baby girl, Tsar Nicholas was not overcome with joy. He supposedly had to go out for a walk in order to come to terms with the news. That’s because the family desperately needed a male heir. But he’s said to have quickly recovered, embracing the role of a caring father.

Bill of health

While Anastasia wasn’t the most fragile of the Romanov children, she still did have a few minor health problems. The princess dealt with bunions, issues with her back, and the common royal genetic disorder of hemophilia. But none of these ailments stopped her from developing a bubbly personality.

Bad girl

To her siblings and friends, Anastasia was probably a bit of a pest. The little stinker was known to be a bit aggressive towards other kids and was always trying to pull one over on the waitstaff. She was certainly a kid with spunk.

The inappropriate nickname

In fact, Anastasia was given a pretty crude nickname to match her mischievous character: Imp! But she could handle it — don’t worry. Anastasia was a tough cookie whose naughtiness often had those around her in stitches.