Newly Surfaced Details About Led Zeppelin That Are Leaving Fans At A Loss

If you grew up in the '70s, chances are you weren't allowed to listen to Led Zeppelin. With their eardrum-rattling sound and edgy lyrics, the iconic British band was the bane of every buttoned-up parent's existence, though their music was nothing compared to what went on backstage. From nights of drug-filled debauchery to scandalous lawsuits and rumors of devil worship, Led Zeppelin's behind-the-scenes behavior will make even the most devoted Led Head think twice the next time "Stairway to Heaven" pops up on their playlist.

Fitting Name

The name "Led Zeppelin" turned out to pretty prophetic, as at any moment the band's infamously bad behavior and hard-partying lifestyle threatened to drop them right out of the sky. Fortunately for the iconic quartet, the only thing that hit the ground during Led Zep's 12 years together was a few too many TVs.

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In addition to a love of long hair and unbuttoned shirts, Zep was particularly fond of chucking TVs out of windows and hotel balconies. Unsurprisingly, this behavior got them barred from quite a few places, though do you really think that stopped Led Zeppelin?

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The group actually once used fake names to return to a hotel they were banned from, proceeded to trash the place, and launched not one, not two, but five TVs through the air. When presented with a $2,500 bill for the damages, tour manager Richard Cole laid the money down without even flinching.

How Generous!

In response, the front desk manager asked Cole what it was like to throw a TV out your window, to which Cole replied by simply sliding him $500 cash. "Here you go, mate," Cole reportedly told him. "Go toss a TV courtesy of Led Zeppelin."